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Dr. Julie Stephens DR. JULIE STEPHENS, director of Placement from the Computer Professionals Career Center, interviewed on Fairfield Station KMCD by Steve Smith, Program Director.

Catch up on the latest successes of this very dynamic department and its important role at Maharishi University of Management.

(mp3 17 min, 6 MB )

Jeffrey Smith JEFFREY M. SMITH talks on The Health Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods

given Thursday, April 29th in Dalby Hall on the M.U.M. Campus.
Jeffrey M. Smith is the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods. He is the director of the Fairfield-based Institute for Responsible Technology.

(mp3 - part 1 50 min, 18 MB )     (mp3 - part 2 50 min, 18 MB )

Kumuda Reddy & Linda Egenes Kumuda Reddy, M.D. and Linda Egenes, authors of "Super Healthy Kids: A parent's guide to Maharishi Ayurveda"

This is an interview with the two authors by KHOE station manager Stan Stansberry.

The book, which was just published by M.U.M. Press in July, is the first to address the benefits of MAV for children.
Recorded Jun 9, 2010. (mp3 26mins , 9 MB)

sunflower The 35th Annual Summer Celebration - held Sunday June 20, 2010 at the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Fairfield, Iowa.

Sponsored by the Maharishi Peace Palace.
Includes a Gandharva Veda concert with Binay Krishna Baral, Bansuri Flute, and his students.

Awards were given to Peter Wallace, Eloise Raymond, and Sandy Crowe.

(mp3 2hrs & 10 mins, 45 MB )

graduation awards
																	Commencement Awards Ceremony held Friday night, June 25, 2010, Dean of Faculty Cathy Gorini officiating.

(mp3 2 hrs, 42mins , 56 MB)

David Orme-Johnson Trends of Time, How We Are Shaping Our Future
"Scientific Research on the Coherence-creating Effect of Large Groups of Yogic Flyers."

Featuring Dr. David Orme-Johnson(left) with IA Course Participant Alex Green and station manager Stan Stansberry.
First in a new series from KHOE World Radio.   Recorded August 17, 2010.   (mp3 50mins , 18 MB)

David Orme-Johnson Trends of Time, How We Are Shaping Our Future: Part 2    "Peak Performance in the Sports World"

Dr. Fred Travis and Dr. Harald Harung These renowned authorities on Transcendental Meditation and its effects discuss their research on peak performance in the sports world and in the everyday world at large. Both have many published articles, talks and papers to their credit. The series interviewers and hosts are Alex Green & station manager Stan Stansberry.
This is the second in the series from KHOE World Radio.      Recorded September 1, 2010.    (mp3 39mins , 13 MB)

David Orme-Johnson Restoring Balance: The Indigenous Grandmothers' Call to the Women of the World.

Oct 1-3, 2010 Argiro Student Center

In an exclusive KHOE interview: Dean of Faculty Cathy Gorini (above) interviews Vanessa Vidal and StellaVera Kilcher, two of the top leadership of the Global Mother Divine Organization. Vanessa and StellaVera organized the upcoming International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, October 1-3 at the Argiro Student Center on the campus of Maharishi University of Management.

Recorded September 25, 2010. (mp3 31 mins , 11 MB)

Dr. Carolyn KIng Dr. Carolyn King interviewed on World Radio KHOE.

In this third in the series "Trends Of Time, How We Are Shaping Our Future", Station Manager Stan Stansberry and Alex Green interview Maharishi University of Management Professor Carolyn King.

Dr. King describes in vivid detail how she and her Husband Dr. Kurleigh King brought Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation to the impoverished country of Mozambique, and the dramatic positive results that ensued.

Recorded October 16, 2010 (mp3 41mins , 14 MB)

Dr. Rhoda Orme-Johnson Dr. Rhoda Orme-Johnson interviewed by Dean of Faculty Cathy Gorini.

This is the first in a new interview series on KHOE titled "A Chat With The Dean". This interview focuses on Dr. Orme-Johnson's new book "The Flow Of Consciousness", transcripts of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's lectures. Drs. Gorini and Orme-Johnson settle into a warm and intuitive discourse on the significance of Maharishi's lectures and in particular for the field of literature.

Recorded October 26, 2010. (mp3 47 mins , 16 MB)

Pearl & Minna Maharishi School Science Fair winners Minna Mohammadi and Pearl Sawhney interviewed by Maharishi School teacher Richard Wolfson and station manager Stan Stansberry. Their winning research found that CAFO's(confined animal farm operations) contribute greatly to the contamination of streams, rivers and lakes.

Minna and Pearl are both juniors at the Maharishi School.

Recorded November 2010 (mp3 19 min , 6.45 MB)

Dr. Rhoda Orme-Johnson MUM Ideal Administrator Isabelle Levi interviewed by station manager Stan Stansberry.
In this candid interview, Isabelle describes how being in the TM movement and especially in the Golden Dome shaped her successful adventure into the art of writing poetry and the mechanics of publishing. Very inspiring for those wishing to expand their boundaries inwards and outwards.

Recorded November 2010.
(mp3 16 mins , 6 MB)

Happy Winter 35th Annual Winter Celebration, hosted by the M.U.M. Global Student Council and held in Dalby Hall at the Argiro Student Center, Dec 18, 2010.

Awards were presented to Dr. J.Lynwood King, the M.U.M. Enrollment center, Don Wolfe, and Steve Cooperman.

The recording includes some footage from the David Lynch Foundation Press Conference in New York City Dec. 13.

(mp3 90 mins, 82 MB )

Dr. David Lovell-Smith Dean Cathy Gorini interviews M.U.M. adjunct faculty member Dr. David Lovell-Smith. Dr. Lovell is the author of the recently published book "Perfect Blood Pressure". He is president of the Maharishi Medical Association of New Zealand, and has lectured widely in New Zealand on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health.

Recorded December 2010

(mp3 38 min , 11.5 MB)

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