Listen to Dr. John Ikerd, visiting professor, M.U.M. Sustainable Living Department,
interviewed by KHOE Station Manager Stan Stansberry and Prof. Lonny Gamble.
Dr. Ikerd is professor emeritus at University of Missouri and the author of 4 books on
sustainability, economics, and small-scale family farming.
(mp3 approx 1 hour, 22 Mb)
Dr. David Goodman talks about "Business Sustainability, Consciousness & Creativity"
on the Internet Radio Show "Meditation and Creativity", hosted by Russell Guest.
Dr. Goodman is the director of the MBA program in Sustainable Business at M.U.M.
(mp3 59 min, 20MB)
Listen to TM movement pioneer Peter Wallace's address to the Masters in Vedic Science
class on the campus of Maharishi University of Management.
(mp3 90 min, 82MB)
BARUTI KMT, M.U.M. Global Student Council President, interviewed
by Steve Smith, Program Director of KMCD, Fairfield, Iowa.
Baruti answers
the question "What is the attraction to Maharishi University of Management",
and tells about how he came to be a doctoral candidate there.
(mp3 18 min, 6 MB )
World-renowned Soil Microbiologist DR. ELAINE INGHAM
interviewed by Stan Stansberry.
Subject: Addressing critical issues concerning care of Iowa's
most valuable resource, its soil.
Dr. Ingham is the author of "The Compost Tea Brewing Manual"
and the president of Soil Foodweb(www.soilfoodweb.com).
She is currently guest faculty in the MUM Sustainable Living program.
(mp3 17 min, 6 MB )